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Japanese Peasant Songs

Father Is a Peony


Chichi wa shakuyaku
Haha botan[1]
Imōto wa shiro giku
Nīsan wa
Kwanpeitaisha no
Choito watasi wa
No ni saku yuri no hana
Metta ni senshi wo uchitogete
Kin no kibako ni

Father is a peony,
Mother is a peony,[2]
Younger sister a white chrysanthemum,
Older brother
A decoration flower
Of the shrine.
Only I am
A lily flower blooming in the fields,
Dead in the battlefield,
In a golden wooden box
Sent back.

Other Game Songs

Other games such as those using pebbles, hand clapping games and so on are also accompanied by songs or recited verses.

While Plucking a Violet

(Pebble Game Song)


Sumire tsumitsutsu
Kairi yoku[3]
Yama-kyō no
Kodomo no airashisa

While plucking a violet
They return home:
Mountain village children
Are charming.

  1. In the song botan is pronounced bota-un because the accent falls at the end of the short lines.
  2. Two different types of peony are referred to in the original: shakuyaku and botan.
  3. For: kaeri yuku.