Page:Japanese Physical Training (Hancock).djvu/148

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Japanese Physical Training

exercise may be taken without the exertion of undue strength on either side.

For him who knows the ways of jiu-jitsu there is a very simple counter for the "come-along." The man attacked has his leg back of that of his assailant. All he has to do is to use his unemployed open hand under the chin of his adversary. If he secures this clinch in time he can push his assailant over backward to the ground, and land with his knee in the solar plexus of the man who has attacked him.

The next trick is one that may be most simply described. It is so easy that it may be learned in a few minutes. The man on the attack throws his left arm with great suddenness around his adversary's waist, digging the fingers with great severity into the base of the spine. At the same time he presses his open right hand up under the chin in such a manner as to throw his enemy's head back. The man so attacked is likely to have his neck broken if the assault is made savagely enough. The assailant may, if he wishes, bring up his right knee against the abdomen of his adversary. This is such a dangerous form of attack that