Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Exotic Moths.djvu/196

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The nearly allied species Aglia Tau, has the wings testaceous, with a large discoidal subviolaceous ocellus on each, having a white mark like the letter T as a pupil. It is a native of Europe, and was introduced by Martyn, in his Aurelian's Vade Mecum, as a native of Britain; no doubt through some mistake, for his statement has never been confirmed.



Bombyx imperialis, Fabr. Gmel.—Phalæna imperatoria, Abbot and Smith, Lepid. Geor., ii. pl. 55.—Ceratocampa imperialis, Harris, Westwood's Drury, i. pl. 9, figs. 1, 2.

This genus was proposed by Kirby, under the name of Cerocampa, for the reception of the insect above named, and that delineated on the following plate. The term was subsequently changed by Dr. Harris (Append, to Hitchcock's Geology of Massachusets) to that above used (derived from κερατα, cornua, and καμπη, eruca), and the change has been sanctioned by some recent authors adopting it. Although Kirby designed the genus as constituted by him to include both B. imperialis and B. regalis, Fab., nei-