Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Foreign Butterflies.djvu/150

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PLATE IX. Fig. 2.

Danais Plexippe, Godart.—Pap. Plexippus, Linn., Fabr.—Pap. Genutia, Cramer, Pl. 206, fig. C, D.

This insect affords an example of a pretty extensive and beautiful group which is strikingly characterised by the prevalence of a peculiar colour and uniformity of design in the markings. The ground colour is a rich chestnut-brown, varying considerably in the intensity of the shade, the wings widely margined on the outside with black, more or less interrupted with white spots; the black colour sometimes running along the nervures in a broad stripe. They are common both to the old and new world, and many of them are very abundant. E. Plexippe occurs in the East Indies and China, also in the islands of Java, Ceylon, &c. and often appears in great plenty. The colour is light chestnut-brown, approaching to fulvous, the whole external border of the wings with a broad black band, dilated at the apex of the superior pair so as to occupy the whole angle; this band bears two rows of small unequal white spots, and the black space at the summit of the upper wings has a broad oblique band of pure white, angular on the edges, and formed