Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Foreign Butterflies.djvu/179

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Pap. Cyane, Linn.—Cethosia Cyane, Fabr. Godart.—Pap. Cyane, Drury, i. pl. 4, fig. 1. var.

Extent of the wings nearly four inches, the length not much exceeding the breadth, the whole external margin deeply dentated and the notches margined with white. Upper wings fulvous towards the base and spotted with black; the external half brownish-black, traversed by an oblique white band, having two rounded black spots at its lower extremity; behind this are a few white marks in the shape of a horse-shoe, and a line of white lunules; and on the margin itself a narrow festooned white line. Surface of the secondary wings fulvous-yellow, with several irregular black spots near the base, and three regular transverse rows of black spots, the innermost formed of small rounded spots, the intermediate one of larger spots surrounded with white, and the external one of spots inclining to a crescent-shape; the hinder margin brownish-black with a festooned white line similar to that on the upper wings. The whole of the under side is reddish-yellow, with markings nearly corresponding to those on the surface, but on the anterior wings there are