Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Foreign Butterflies.djvu/185

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PLATE XV. Fig. 2.

Pap. N. Amathea, Linn. Fabr.—Pap. Amalthea, Cramer, Pl. 209, fig. A, B.

The surface of the wings in this pretty insect is dark brown approaching to black, with a broad band of deep red running across the centre of both wings, but scarcely reaching the anal angle, and bifid at its anterior extremity: beyond this on the anterior wings are two transverse rows of small white spots, both of them irregular; and on the hinder pair a single row of similar spots: the notches on the margins of the wings are also whitish. The under side is much paler than the surface, but the markings are similar. Body dull black above; antennæ of the same colour, with the extremity of the club reddish. Expansion of the wings from two inches to two and a quarter.

A South American species, inhabiting Brazil, Guiana, &c.