Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Foreign Butterflies.djvu/202

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Pap. Amphinome, Linn. Cramer, Pl. 54, fig. E, F.—Roesel's Ins. i, Pl. 10, fig. 1,2; Merian, Ins. Surin. Pl. 8.—Le Papier Marbré de la Chine, Daubenton, Pl. enl. 92, fig. 7, 8.

Bears considerable resemblance to the preceding on the upper side, the ground colour being glossy black, the whole surface variegated with waved streaks and spots of greenish-blue; these markings frequently assume the appearance of hieroglyphics, and towards the hinder margin of the inferior wings they indistinctly represent a series of oval ocelli. Both sexes have a broad oblique white band across the upper wings, but it is sinuated on the edges, while in the female of P. Arethusa the edges are always entire. On the under side the general colour is brown; the upper wings with a triangular red patch at the base, the colour between this and the central white band is black glossed with green; beyond the white band are two rows of white points, one of them lying along the margin. The under wings have the anterior half red, that colour divided by rays of greenish-black, which occupies the whole of the hinder portion, except where it is interrupted by a few