Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Foreign Butterflies.djvu/242

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PLATE XXV. Fig. 3.

Pap. P. R. Alcides, Fabr. Mant.—Hesperia, R. Alcides, Fabr. Syst.—Pap. Alcides, Cramer, Pl. 96, fig. D, E.—Myrina Alcides, Godart.

Loxura includes a few species formerly referred to Myrina, and, like the latter, is distinguished from the allied genera by the extraordinary length of the palpi which rise conspicuously above the head, and are, in fact, nearly half the length of the antennæ. The wings are entire on the edges, and the hinder pair are prolonged each into a single tail, placed obliquely. The antennæ increase gradually towards the apex into a lengthened club, and all the ambulatory legs are of the same form in both sexes. The species represented is a native of Guinea. The extent of the wings is about an inch and three-quarters. On the upper side the wings are dark brown, sprinkled very thickly towards the base with shining violet-blue atoms, making the whole inner half of the wings appear of that colour, and the outer margin of the posterior pair behind the middle, as well as the lengthened tail, are of the same hue. Towards the extremity of the upper wings there is a transverse band of a rusty-red colour, but it is very indistinctly defined. Beneath, the colour is tan-