rich violet blue tint at the base, which alters slightly to greenish near the middle, and this is shaded off to coppery brown at the tips.
The locality is unfortunately unknown; it is probably Africa.
Plate XXIII. Fig. 2.
This figure represents a species very closely related to X. latipes, and the existence of another with greatly dilated tarsi renders it expedient to propose a distinct section or subgenus for their reception, which Mr. Westwood has accordingly done under the above name. In addition to the peculiarity just noted, the males have the eyes approximating at the hinder part of the head. The near resemblance of this insect to X. latipes will at once appear from comparison. (For this purpose X. latipes is figured on the same plate, fig. 1.) The distinctive marks may be embodied in the following short specific character:—X. tenuiscapa, W.; black, somewhat shining; the first joint of the antennæ not dilated at the apex, which is scarcely thicker than the base; eyes not widely apart behind; the second, third, and fourth joints of the anterior tarsi with a rather short brush on their inner edge; wings very glossy, violet at the base, and tinged with copper at the tip; length 11/10 inch, expansion of the wings 2½ inches.
As this handsome species is now figured for the first time, it will be necessary, for the satisfaction of