"I found him—where I found him," said Peter, cannily, "an' don't ye be leavin' him alone again."
"I won't! I can't never thank you enough."
"Yes, ye can—by not flirtin' with that Dago any more."
"I was n't flirtin' with him; he don't care nothin' about me. All he wants is to learn to talk."
Peter looked sceptical.
"Honest, Pete! It's the livin' truth. I never flirted with no one, except—maybe you."
Peter's face softened momentarily, but it hardened again as a shadow fell between them. Vittorio was standing on the other side of the hedge.
"You find-a dat baby?" he inquired with an all-inclusive smile. As the fact was self-evident, nobody answered. Vittorio was a romantic soul; he caught the breath of sentiment in the air. "Annie you girl?" he inquired genially of Peter.