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Jenny's Bawbee.

I MET four chaps yon birks amang,
Wi' hanging lugs and faces lang,
I speer'd at nei'bour Bauldy Strang
What are they these we see?
Quoth he, "Ilk cream fac'd pauky cheil,
"Thinks himself cunning as the deil,
'And here they come awa' to steal
Jenny's Bawbee."

The first, a Captain to this trade,
Wi' ill-lined scull, and back weel clad,
March'd round the barn and by the shed,
And papped on his knee;
Quoth he, "my goddess, nympha, and queen,
"Your beauty's dazzl'd baith my een;"
But deil a beauty he had seen,
But Jenny's Bawbee.

A Norlan' Laird neist trotted up,

Wi bassen'd nag and siller whip,