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The hue of her cheek is the rose in its blossom!
She's swift as the roe, as she skips o'er the green;
Dull care flees away, when reclin'd on the bosom
Of Jenny; the flower of sweet Aberdeen.
Of lovely, &c.

Her mein is compleat, like the form of her person;
She's kind, and she's tender, and dearest to me:
The fairest of women, without all exceptions,
That e'er grac'd the high and sweet banks of the Dee.
For had I been born in the highest condition,
And heir to a Sceptre and Crown of a King,
All riches to me would be empty ambition,
If wanting young Jenny of sweet Aberdeen.
That lovely young, &c.


All in the Downs the fleet was moor'd,
The streamers waving in the wind,
When black-ey'd Susan came on board:
Oh! where shall I my true love find?
Tell me, ye jovial Sailors, tell me true,
Does my sweet William sail among your crew?

William, then, high upon the yard,
Rock'd by the billows to and fro,
Soon as her well-known voice he heard,
He sigh'd, and cast his eyes below.