Page:Jenny of Aberdeen.pdf/5

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Tho' cannons roar, yet, safe from harm,
William shall to his dear return:
Love turns aside the balls that round me fly,
Lest precious tears should drop from Susan's eye,

The boatswain gave the dreadful word,
The sails their swelling bosoms spread;
No longer must she stay on board,
They kist'd, she sigh'd, he hung his head;
Her less'ning boat, unwilling, rows to land,
Adieu, she cries, and wav'd her lily hand.

The KING and the TANNER.

Up the wild forest, and down the wild forest,
and down by yon green-wood tree.
And there I spy'd a jolly brisk Tanner,
and a brave brisk Tanner was he.

O what occupation are you, says the King?
O what occupation are you?
A tanner, a tanner, a barker of leather.
What de'il occupation are ye, quoth the Tanner?

O I am a Courtier, replied the King,
and a Courtier I be.
I once had a brother of your occupation,
was hanged, and so will ye, says the Tanner.