Century Club Punch.
- Take 1 pint of old Santa Cruz rum.
- Take 1 pint of old Jamaica rum.
- Take 5 pints of water.
With the addition of lemon juice and sugar to suit the taste, this makes a nice punch.
The precise portions of spirit and water, or even of the acidity and sweetness, can have no general rule, as scarcely two persons make punch alike.
California Milk Punch.
(For Bottling.)
- Take the juice of four lemons.
- Take The rind of two lemons.
- Take ½ pound of white sugar, dissolved in just sufficient hot water.
- Take 1 pineapple, peeled, sliced and pounded.
- Take 6 cloves.
- Take 20 coriander seeds.
- Take 1 small stick of cinnamon.
- Take 1 pint of brandy.
- Take 1 pint of Jamaica rum.
- Take 1 gill of Batavia Arrack.
- Take 1 cup of strong green tea.
- Take 1 quart of boiling water.
- Take 1 quart of hot milk.
Put all the materials in a clean demijohn, the boiling water to be added last; cork this down to prevent evaporation, and allow the ingredients to steep for at least six hours; then add the hot milk and the juice of