Page:Jerusalem's captivities lamented, or, A plain description of Jerusalem from Joshua's time to the year 1517, both from Scripture and ancient history.pdf/12

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Jeruſalem's Captivities Lamented.

Now the ſins of the Jews being come to the full height, who with cruel hands had crucified the LORD OF LIFE, that innocent blood, which they deſired might fall on them and their children, began now to be avenged upon them; for the civil wars were begun by Jehohanan and Simon, who deſtroyed all the corn and fruits without the city, and Jehohanan within the city raviſhed the citizens' wives and daughters, and ſhed floods of innocent blood. The citizens, being, weary of this tyranny, delivered the city to Simon, thinking he would help them, but he joined the other rebel, and they reigned month about, till at laſt they quarrelled between themſelves.

Then there was nothing but ſlaughter and bloodſhed, ſo that the blood of the Jews ran through the ſtreets, even to the temple of the LORD, like a flood: All that the ſeditious overcame they ſet their houſes on fire, ſo that they burnt fourteen hundred ſtorehouſes, that were full of corn, wine, and oil, which cauſed a ſudden famine in Jeruſalem. Thus GOD viſited the city with four plagues at once, viz. ſword, peſtilence, famine, and fire: to which the fifth was added, the ruin and deſtruction of all the glorous buildings ſo that nothing but deſolation, pollution of the Temple, and all holy things, and uproar without any reſt; no help, no ſuccour, but every corner was full