Page:Jerusalem's captivities lamented, or, A plain description of Jerusalem from Joshua's time to the year 1517, both from Scripture and ancient history.pdf/15

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Jeruſalem's Captivities Lamented.

drew his ſword to ſave the holy place, but the flames ruſhed through all parts of the Temple in a moment, ſo that none could ſave it The Jews ſeeing all go to deftruction before their eyes, they then threw themſelves into the flames, ſaying, “Why ſhould we live any longer? Now there was no Temple. After the Holy of Holies was burnt, Titus entered it, and ſaw the glory of it and ſaid, "I well perceive, that this is no other than the HOUSE of GOD, and the dwelling place of the KING of Heaven: The God of Heaven who is God of this Houſe, take vengeance on the ſeditious, whoſe heinous deeds have brought this evil upon themſelves, and this holy place."

On the 7th of September, Titus commanded all the lower city to be ſet on fire, and aſſaulted the upper city, breaking over their fences, and deſtroying all before him with fire and ſword; then he commanded the city and temple to be razed to the foundation, and the ground to be forthwith plowed. And Jehohanan and Simon were ſent priſoners to Rome, with ſeven hundred of the Jews: The Book of the Law, and the Purple Veil of the Sanctuary were taken in triumph to Rome. About that time neither ſun nor moon appeared for fifteen days as Chriſt foretold, Matth. xxiv. 15.

St. Jerom writes, that in his time, on that day of the year wherein Jeruſalem was taken