Page:Jerusalem's captivities lamented, or, A plain description of Jerusalem from Joshua's time to the year 1517, both from Scripture and ancient history.pdf/24

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Jeruſalem's Captivities Lamented.

the antiquity, wealth, fame, nor the honour of the religion itſelf, was any ſecurity againſt the appointments of Fate: And thoſe who afterwards ſaw it, could not believe that ever there had been ſuch a city there; yet the deſpiſed Jews begged leave to build part of the city, but after ſixty-five years, when they began to revolt, then Elius Adrianus the Emperor, ſlew many thouſands of them; and when his fury was over, he took one part of the city without the wall, Mount Calvary and Chriſt's ſepulchre, and made a ſpacious city which he called after his own name, Selia Capitolia, which was inhabited by all nations, but moſt by Chriſtians for five hundred years; and in ſix hundred and thirty-nine, it was taken by the Egyptians and Saracens who held it four hundred years: and in one thouſand and thirty-nine, it was regained by Godfrey Bollogn, who, being elected king, refuſed to be crowned with a crown of gold, where CHRIST was crowned with a crown of thorns: It continued to him and his ſucceſſors eighty-eight years, till in one thouſand one hundred and twenty-ſeven, it was taken by Saladine king of Egypt; and in one thouſand five hundred and ſeven- teen, the Turks took it (who are ſtill maſters of it) and called it, in their own language, Gunembare, or the Holy of Holies.



PRINTED by J. & M. ROBERTSON, Saltmarket, 1801.