Page:Jerusalem's captivities lamented, or, A plain description of Jerusalem from Joshua's time to the year 1517, both from Scripture and ancient history.pdf/6

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Jeruſalem's Captivities Lamented.

cubits high, and twenty-five wide, and had no doors, to ſhew that heaven was always open. All the fore-parts were gilded within and covered with fine gold, the inner part was divided into two rooms, whereof the firſt only might be ſeen, which was in height ninety cubits, in length forty, and in breadth twenty. Round about the wall was a golden vine, whereon hung grapes in cluſters, being fix feet long; it had golden gates ſixty-five cubits high, and ſixteen broad, and curious hangings of the ſame length, wrought with purple, velvet, ſcarlet, and folk. All the fabric was ſo exquiſite and rich, that none could imagine any workmanſhip to be wanted, for it was all covered with maſſy plates of gold, which aſtonithed the beholders; the top alſo was ſet with rods of gold, ſharp at the ends, leſt birds ſhould ſit thereon, and defile the holy place.

Our SAVIOUR was born in the year of the world 4004, and in the 430 year of Auguſtus Cæſar; many remarkable things were ſeen in the heavens, which cauſed the wiſe men to conclude, that ſome more than an ordinary perſon would appear upon the earth: The learned thought it to be Auguſtus Cæſar, who then reigned proſperouſly; but others thought it to be he whom the prophet Iſaiah ſpeaks of, that ſhould have the government on his ſhoulders, even the Saviour of the world, whom the Evangeliſts mention,