Page:Jerusalem's captivities lamented, or, A plain description of Jerusalem from Joshua's time to the year 1517, both from Scripture and ancient history.pdf/8

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Jeruſalem's Captivities Lamented.

that the light of the ſun apparently failed, the heavens ſeemed to burn, and fire beams fell from them. In the twenty-ſecond year of his age, ſeveral bloody comets were ſeen, and the river Tiber overflowed the city of Rome.

to Rome concerning CHRIST.

“There appeared in thoſe days a man of great virtue, called JESUS CHRIST, who is yet living among us, and by the people is called a prophet; but his own diſciples call him the SON OF GOD. He raiſeth the dead, cureth all manner of diſeaſes; a man of ſtature, ſomewhat tall and comely, with a reverend countenance, ſuch as the beholders may both fear and love; his hair is of the colour of a cheſnut full ripe, and plain down almoſt to his ears, but from thence downward ſomewhat curled, but more orient of colours waving about his ſhoulders; in midſt of his head goeth a ſeam of hair, or parting, like that of the Nazarites; his forehead very plain and ſmooth; his face without ſpot or wrinkle, beautified with a comely red; his noſe and mouth ſo formed, that nothing can be reprehended, his beard thick, in colour of the hair of his head: his eyes gray; clear and quick; in