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"such as the beholders may both fear and love; his hair is of the
“colour of a chestnut fruit ripe end plain down, almost to his ears
"but from thence downward somewhat curl’d, but more orient of
"colours waving about the shoulders: in the midst of his lead goeth
"a seam of his hair, exparting like that of the Nazarites; his
“forehead very plain and smooth ; his face without spot or wrin-
"kle, beautified with a comely red; his nose and mouth so formed,
"that nothing can be reprehended, his beard thick, in colour of the
“hair of his head; his eyes grey, clear and quick, in reproving he
"is severe, in counseling courteous and fair spoken; pleasant in
"speech, mixed with gravity; it can’t be remember’d that any have
"seen him laugh, but many have seen him weep: in proportion of
“body well shap'd and straight, his hands and arms very delectable
“to behold: in speaking very temperate modest and wife: a man
“for his singular beauty far exceeding the sons of men.
Within the thirty-third year of Christ’s life he was crucified by the wicked hands of the Jews, which caused many miracles, attested both by heathens and Christians: at his death there was a mighty darkness: in the day-time, from six till nine, that is, from our twelve to our three in the afternoon, and yet no eclipse of the sun, it being full moon so It was contrary to the order of nature, but the power of God deprived the sun of its light.
Dennis the Areopagite being that day in Athens, and seeing the darkness, cried with a loud voice, “ Either the world is at an end, or the God of nature suffers.” Then the men of Athens being astonished built an altar to the Unknown God; and afterwards St.Paul declared to them, that Christ who suffered that day was the Unknown God; whereby he converted many to the Christian faith.
It was likewise acknowledged by Plutarch tho’ a heathen, that in after the death of Christ not only the oracles of Egypt ceased, but through all the world, of which he can give no reason being ignorrant of Christianity: however Satan did plainly acknowledge him -self overcome by the death of Christ, and could never give any answers. The words of Plutarch to Erailius the orator, concerning the matter are as follow, “ My father coming by sea towards Italy, and coasting by night about an island not inhabited, called Paraxis, when most in the ship were at rest, they heard a fearful voice, which came from that island, that called upon Alaman, who was pilot of the ship, and an Egyptian born: though this voice was heard once or twice, yet no man had the courage to answer it till the third time, when the Pilot answered, Who is there? Who is it that call? What would you have? Then the voice spake more high, and said Alaman, I require that when you pass near the gulph of Languna, you remember to cry aloud, and make them to understand that the