Porter, Noah, of Yale, on Jesuit schools, 245, 246, 269.
Port Royal, 127, 164.
Portugal, suppression of Society, 174.
Postgate, Professor, 498 note.
Poulton, Jesuit, founder of school in Maryland, 203.
Prayer, educational help, 632 "sqq."
Prefect of Discipline, 117.
Prefect of Studies, 117, 609.
Prelection, i. e. interpretation of authors, etc., 457—493; preparation of, 464—466.
Prémare, Jesuit sinologist, 153.
Prescribed courses, 310—329.
Primary education, see "Elementary."
Prince Henry, and the Jesuits in China, 207—208.
Private talks with pupils, 548 "sqq."
Prizes, 514; see "Emulation".
Pronunciation, correct, 459—461; Roman, of Latin, 460 note.
Protestant, Reformation and education, 57—72; schools in 16. and 17. centuries, 89—91; view of Jesuits, 264 —267; moral training in Protestant and Catholic schools, 588, "sqq".; 541 note, 551—557; reading of Bible, 583 "sqq".
Provincial, 101.
Prussia, Jesuit colleges after suppression, 176.
Prussian School Order, 9, 289, 291, 392, 394 note 1; on class teachers, 443; on translations, 478; on written exercises, 500; religious instruction, 581, 601—602.