Page:Jewish Encyclopedia Volume 1.pdf/525

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The following works vere edited by Eleazar: (1) Keneh Hokmah " (Acquire Wisdom), or "Kcneh Hinah" (.Vciiuire Undei-staudinj;). This book, which is really part of the " Sefer ha-Kanah," and which the

Uezeklab EZfklel Ija;!zaD



SfllK I



l;ianoli (c. ITUO)

have copied from a

editor, in the ])reface, claims to

Moses Mplr Perles (died arwul lT:iiti




Aurun (died

David Perles (died ITS3)


II .



Aaron ben Moses Meir Perles Altschul

1 Diiil in "


He was


uullinr dT

" Tchai-iil

(Tla- Purity nf Aainiu. a cnmiiicntary


on Isaac


Alibrts "Seder luiNikl^iir niakiiifr iiuiuerous the text, and jilossiiig iiiaiiy dillieiilt passages in .JiKhfo-Geriiian. The v(irk was published at OITenbaeli in 1725 (some allesetliat it had been jjiiblished in IT'21 also); and a manuscript copy is in the liiulliiaii Library. Oxford {Neiibaiier, "Cat. Bodl. Ilrlir. .MSS." Nrl. T!C>). So far as 2. Abraham Eberle Altschul: known, the earliest bearer of the nAnie of Altschul. lie lived in Prague toward the close of the fifteenth (enturv. 3. Abraham ben Isaac Perles Altschul: Printer and publisher at Ainsterdani during.' the second half of the seventeenth century. His lather In UiTs Abraham also was a iiublislier and printer. jiroduceil a prayi'r book fur the Sabbath, and in Uis.5 reeditedlhe " (Jrammatieal Talile" of Joseph Shalit. He is also the author of a calialistic commentary on 111 Pentateudi, as yet tiniiublishcd (Steinschneider, bell

lulilitioiis to


liodl." cols. f(M.


Abraham ben Jacob



Altschul, of Leipa, (


DavidbenAryehLoeb Altschul: A


of the community of Prairue; lived toward He collected the close of the seventeenth century. notes for a coinmentarv on the Bible, which his son Jt'hiel Hillel (No. iS) ('ompleted and editid. 7. David ben Eleazer Hanok Perles Altschul: Cantor at the Pinkas syna,i;oi,'iie in Pra,i;ue: died in 17:i8. On the death of Emiieror Leopold I. (.May ">. 17(1.")). he composed an elefr.v in Jii<heo.(!er(irievous man, which he called " Kbel Kabed " JIouriiin);(Stein.schneider,"Cat. Hodl."cols. ").")(), 884; "Serapeiim," i.. »15, 344; Wolf, "Bibl. Ilcbr," ii.



8. Eleazar b. Abraham Hanok Perles Alt schul llditor and aulbor diid in Prairue bet ween He was the editor of several works, l(i:ij and lliliH. to most of which he aildeil remarks, ;;, or comments of his own. In the epitaph written for him by his son I.saac (No. l!i) lie is (|Uoted as the author of several works; but these ari' no lonjjer extant. The only one that may pi'rhaps he allrilmted to him



Dikclnke Yi/" a >;niin but it has been claimed that even for this book the notes had been previously collected by in its entirety inatical work;



his father in law, Isaac b. Jekiitliiel (Kohen) Kilskes, and that the name wa.s not ^iveii to the work merely

honor of the latter. The "Dikiluke Yi/.l.iak" is still unpublished (Neiibniier. "Cat. BiMll.IIebr. MSS." in



mon Luria's commentary on the treatise "Baba Kama" (Prague. Itil(i). (4) " Tikkun .Mozal' Shabbat," a prayer book for Sabbath night. tion of the Sabbathniiiht service

A cabalistic is



to the te.t

and toward the end of the volume there is a German adaptation of some of the prayers. The work was first published by Eleazar's son Isaac (Xo. 13) at Amsterdam in IC.")."); and with it is included the epitaph composed by Isiiac for his father, of which mention has already been made (Steinschneider," Cat. Bodl." 9.



Eliakim (Gottschalk, Goetzel) ben (Zeeb)

Wolf Altschul Bro<isky

Picaclur and dayyaii century. He wrote "Slieliif 'Ez (The Thin Board; see Ezek. xli. Iti. where uliehif 'iz is translati'd "wood"), a " supercommentary on Kashi and " Erez Ilemdah (The Coveted Land), on the division of Canaan by Joshua. These two works, together with an <'dition

in Hu.ssia at the betrinninir of the nineteenth "


Prinleral Frankfori (Ui tlie idiT, in Kl'.iT (Mrinsrhneidi-r. "Cat. l!oiII."eol. OslTi. 5. Ascher Anschel ben Naphtali Herzel Altschul Printer in .Moravia and lioheinia durinj; the In lfi08 lirsl ((iiarter of the seventienth century. he was at Prossnitz: in 11)04. at Prajrui' with the sons of Moses Schedel and from that year down to ll>'.2;i with various other J<'vish publishers, notably the Prairiw linns of Hayyim Cohen. .Moses Cohen. Katz, and I,cinberKer (Steinschneider, "Cat. Uodl." col. 6.

l)archmeiit manuscript "several hundred years old," found by his father in a loft, is mainly a cabalistic expr).sition of the "Keriat Shema," as well as of the divine name of seventy-two " letters of abbreviation." etc. (Prague, 1609-11). The Zohar an<l other cabalistic sources have manifestly had an iiilhicnce on this work (Steinschneider, "Cat. liodl." col. 1)37; " Literaturblatt," .i. 7G1). (2) "Zebal.i Todah" (Sacrifice of Thanksgiving), containing the "Prayer" of Solomon Luria, the "Thirteen Prostrations " of Abigdor Kara, and the "Supplication" of Islimael ben Elisha, published at Prague in 161.') (Wolf, "Bibl. Hebr." vol. iii). (3) "Yam sliel Slielomoh," Solo-

of the "Zebed Tob "by his father (Zeeb) Wolf Altschul. were published in one volume in Warsaw. 1814 (Fiirst. " Bibl. Jud." i. 43; Ben Jacob. "Ozar ha-ScfaH. B.— W. M. rim," p l.")l). 10. Emil Altschul: Austrian physician; born at Prague. Bohemia. .Vpril 8. 1812; died there 1.8(d. The son of a rabl)i. he was intended f<ir a rabbinical career, aii<l therefore studied Hebrew and the cognate languages. But a strong inclination for the study of medicine induced him to attend the University of Vienna, where he obtained the degree of JI.I>. in 1.832. In Boskowitz. Moravia, where he practised, lie made the ac<iuaiutance of a physician who called his attention to the high value of homeopathy, and from that time lie devoted himself to this new selioid In 184.'< lie became profissor in the of medicine. medical department of the riiiversity of Prague. He wrote: " 'ollstilndiges Kezepten Buch der I'raklischen .VugeiihcilkuniU' " "Tascheiiworterbuch der Praktischeii.Vrzneimittellebre ftlr-XusClbeiideAugcnilrzte" (1830); " .Miscillen aus dem (Tesammteii Gc:

biete der .M<(licin " (1838); "Der I!oiii<')opathisolio " Kritisclies Selidsihreiben liber das Bisherige Verfahreii mit den ISterbenden " (1840; this panii)lilel, on the prevailing treatment of the dying, made a great stir among .lews); and "Lclir-

Zahnarzt" (1841):






.ltscliul foundeil and published, in l.'*.">3. the first liomeopathic magazine in .Viistria, under the title " .Monalsschrift Praktisclie ftr Theorctischc und

Homoopalhie." Bermann. nrMrrrrirhinrhrji nirtgmj^hitfhft ninLiOiiR.vrHY Lrriknii. vol. I.; A. Slimledl. Itlitlter (llr Utrmlur. IStT,



Wiir/lwfti. Ili'vnil'liixchfn


