sayest and them wilt show me Achikar alive, then will I give thee great wealth and make thy rank above that of all thy friends. Thou shalt not die, but thou shalt live as the king's friend in honor and happiness. Fetch Achikar quickly and my heart will rejoice."
After a brief interval Achikar came before the astonished king and all his courtiers. When Sennacherib saw him he wept and was mightily ashamed to look him in the face. He knew that he had wronged him. He cried aloud: "Praise be to God Who hath brought thee back!"
Achikar turned to the King and said: "Because I have seen thy face, my lord, no evil is in my heart."
"Hast thou heard of the letter which I have received from Pharaoh, King of Egypt?"
"No, my lord King!"
"Read it, noble Achikar! Give me advice how to answer it."
Achikar took it from the king's hand and read it. He then said to the king: "My lord! concerning this matter which Pharaoh demands, be not anxious. I will go to Egypt and build thee a castle in the air. I will then bring back with me the three years tribute of Egypt."
When the King Sennacherib heard Achikar's words he rejoiced very heartily. Then Achikar said: "Grant me, I beseech thee, a delay of forty days. I need time to consider this matter so as to arrange it successfully. "