written by his beloved father David. He loved to hear the sweet strains of the Temple organ. He joined in the responses with the rest of the worshipers. After the termination of Divine Service he returned to his palace. He then transacted the various affairs of state. The rest of the day was free. He resolved to spend it on his magic carpet. He would travel abroad and see something of the world.
He took the wonderful carpet out of his pocket. How it glittered in the sunshine! When it was spread out it looked like a sea of gold. He delighted to look at its wonderful embroidery, depicting all the marvels of the universe. He beheld pictures in silk, gold and jewels — there were mountains, trees, birds and beasts, giants and demons. When he stepped upon the carpet he ordered his servants to place his wonderful throne on it. When he sat thereon he sometimes imagined that he was the absolute ruler in heaven above, on the earth beneath, and in the waters under the earth. His pride and vanity grew at the expense of his faith in God. At such moments his humility forsook him. He almost thought that he was a god.
No sooner was he on his magic carpet than he commanded one hundred thousand troops to be his escort. He touched his magic ring and said,—
"I will now set out for Damascus, where I will take my breakfast."