"Why, lift me up, of course, wisest of Kings."
King Solomon bent down and lifted up the ant. He placed the tiny insect on his magic carpet just in front of his golden throne. He turned to it and sat on his throne exclaiming,—
"Is it all right now?"
"No, it is not all right, great King."
"Why not, Machashamah?"
"It is also unbecoming for the questioner to be seated whilst the one who gives the answer is standing on a lower level. Take me upon thine hand and I will answer thy question—if I am able."
Solomon obeyed the ant.
"Is there any one in all the world greater than I am?"
"To be sure there is."
"Who is it, Machashamah ? "
"It is I."
"How dost thou dare to say this?"
"Because it is the truth."
"Prove it."
"If I were not greater than thou art, surely the Holy One, blessed be He, would not have sent thee to me to take me upon thine hand."
When Solomon heard these words he was beside himself with fury. He cast the ant off his hand to the carpet and said to it,—
"Ant! thou knowest not to whom thou art speaking. Thou dost not really know who and what I am.