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Jewish Rabbies' Care, &c.

EVERY town and parish in Scotland have their poor in these times; and certainly call not only for their support, but also that the causes of such unprecedented numbers, and unprecedented needs, of the poor, be inquired into, and healed if possible; for this we cannot impute to a want of soil and food. The earth and its fulness is much more than enough for all its inhabitants, would corruption, and combination of graceless men, suffer it to do what God has given it to do: therefore, I maintain, there is no need for a Malthus plan, to destroy the poor from the earth, if we would destroy corruption, the cause of poverty.

When the Son of God appeared in our world, (the Messiah that was to come, and did come,) he tells us, for this end of being a King was I born, and came into the world. But the Teachers and Rabbies of that time, though he came to his own, agreeably to the prophecies that had gone before of him, were not the men that waited for his coming; they were not the men who knew him when he came, and who flocked around him as their King and Saviour. The reverse was the case: because he avowed his kingly mission, those teachers of the law affirmed he should be put to death, for making himself a king; which thing they did effect, that the counsel of God, before determined, should be accomplished, in the sacrifice and satisfaction of