Page:Jim of the Hills.djvu/61

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"I know he's up against it bad;
Stintin' himself to pay the men.
Don't listen to this tattle, lad,
An' leave that dirty work to Ben.
He tries to play on others need;
It's partly devil, partly greed.

"Ben's not a reel bad lot at heart,
But ignorant an' dull of sight.
An' crazed by these new creeds that start
An' grow like mushrooms, overnight;
An' this strange greed that's spread the more
Since the great sacrifice of war.

"Greed everywhere!" sighed old man Blair.
"Master an' man have caught the craze;
An' those who yesterday would share
Like brothers, now spend all their days
Snatchin' for gain— the great, the small.
And, oh, the folly of it all!"

He tapped the small book by his hand.
"Two thousand years ago they knew
That those who think an' understand
Can make their wants but very few.
Two thousand years ago they taught
That happiness can not be bought."