Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/252

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Waste their wild fury, stood the unshaken man;
Tho' round him prest his foemen, by Despair 380
Hearten'd. He, mowing thro' the throng his path,
Call'd on the troops of France, and bade them haste
Where he should lead the way. A daring band
Followed the adventurous Chieftain: he moved on
Unterrified, amid the arrowy shower, 385
Tho' on his shield and helm the darts fell fast;
As the sear'd leaves that from the trembling tree
The autumnal whirlwind shakes.
Nor Conrade paus'd,
Still thro' the fierce fight urging on his way,
Till to the gate he came, and with strong hand 390
Seiz'd on the massy bolts. These as he drew,
Full on his helm the weighty English sword
Descended; swift he turn'd to wreak his wrath,
When lo! the assailant gasping on the ground,
Cleft by the Maiden's falchion: she herself 395
To the foe opposing with that lowly man,
For they alone following the adventurous steps
