Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/389

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Proclaim'd approaching herald.
"To the Maid, 145
Exclaim'd the Messenger, "and thee, Dunois,
Son of the Chief he loved! Du Chastel sends
Greeting. The aged warrior has not spared
All active efforts to partake your toil,
And serve his country; and tho' late arrived, 150
He share not in the fame your arms acquire;
His heart is glad that he is late arrived,
And France preserved thus early. He were here
To join your host, and follow on their flight,
But Richemont is his foe. To that high Lord 155
Thus says my Master: We, tho' each to each
Be hostile, are alike the embattled sons
Of this our common country. Do thou join
The conquering troops, and prosecute success;
I will the while assault what guarded towns 160
Bedford yet holds in Orleannois: one day,
Perhaps the Constable of France may learn
He wrong'd Du Chastel."
