Page:John Banks Wilson - Maneuver and Firepower (1998).djvu/98

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A. Mann was the brother of James Robert Mann, who was the second ranking Republican from Illinois. His brother's appointment was a bipartisan move for World War I.

32 Secretary Baker had authorized the camp commanders, who served as division commanders, to organize depot brigades as divisional elements. The depot brigade filled two purposes: one was to train replacements for the A.E.F. since the War College Division did not agree to Pershing's seventh division for the corps; the other was to act as a receiving unit for men sent to the camps by draft boards. David F. Trask, ed., Historical Survey of US Mobilization: Eight Topical Studies of the Twentieth Century, Study 6, Terrence J. Dough, "Equipment", pp. 6–7, Ms, DAMH-HSR.

33 Divisions, pp. 291–421 passim; Memo, Office Chief of Staff (OCS) for TAG, 11 Aug 17, no subject, OCS 9876–59, RG 165, NARA; WD GO 101, 1917; Jervey, "Mobilization of the Emergency Army," pp. 14–15; Memo, WCD for CofS, 19 Oct 17, sub: Plan for Organization and Dispatch of Troops to Europe, WCD file 10050–119, RG 165, NARA; also see Julius O. Adler, History of the Seventy-Seventh Division (New York: Wynokoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co., 1919), pp. 11–18; John G. Little, Jr., The Official History of the Eighty-Sixth Division (Chicago: State Publication Society, 1921), pp. 1–17; and The 88th Division in the World War of 1914–1918 (New York: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co., 1919), pp. 27–36.

34 Memo, WCD for CofS, 21 May 17, sub: Plans for a possible expeditionary force to France, WCD file 10050–21, RG 165, NARA; Memo, WCD for CofS, sub: Organization of the 2d Division (Regular) for service overseas, approved 20 Sep 17, and Memo, TAG to multiple addresses, 21 Sep 17, Organization of 2d Division (Regular), both 2d Inf Div file, DAMH-HSO; United States Army in the World War, 1917–1919: Policy-Forming Documents American Expeditionary Forces, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1948) p. 35, hereafter cited as Documents; United States Army in the World War, 1917–1919: Training and the Use of American Units with British and French, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1948) pp. 491–92, hereafter cited as Training; Oliver L. Spaulding and John W. Wright, The Second Division, American Expeditionary Forces in France 1917–1919 (New York: Hillman Press, Inc., 1937), pp. 6–7; Thomas Shipley, The History of the A.E.F. (New York: George H. Dorm Co., 1920), p. 46; Allan R. Millett, Semper Fidelis: The History of the United States Marine Corps (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1980), pp. 289–94.

35 Divisions, pp. 47–109 passim.

36 Edward M. Coffman, The Hilt of the Sword: The Career of Peyton C. March (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1966), pp. 129–30; WD GO 73, 1918.

37 Memo, WCD for TAG, 1 Aug 17, sub: Utilization of colored men drafted for the National Army, WCD file 8142–13, Memo, WCD for CofS, 21 Aug 17, same subject, Memo, OCS for TAG, 24 Oct 17, sub: Organization of the Division, Colored, WCD file 8142–24, RG 165, NARA; Divisions, pp. 431–35.

38 Memo, WCD for C/S, 13 Nov 17, sub: Utilization of Colored Units of the National Guard and Colored Draft, and Ltr., TAG to Brig Gen Ray Hoffman, 5 Jan 18, sub: 93d Division (Provisional), WCD file 8142, RG 165, NARA; GO 1, Provisional Division (Colored), 24 Dec 1917, 93d Inf Div file, DAMH-HSO; Divisions, p. 437.

39 Memo, War Plan Division (WPD) for CofS, 9 May 18, sub: Organization of Troops of the Puerto Rico Draft, WPD file 9876-191, and Memo, WPD for CofS, 27 May 18, same subject, WPD file 9876–203, RG 165, NARA; Zone of the Interior, p. 661–62; Directory of Troops, p. 1400.

40 Memo, WCD for CofS, 23 Nov 17, sub: Organization of the Cavalry Division (Regular). Memo, WCD for TAG, 27 Nov 17, same subject, WCD file 6815–32, RG 165, NARA; Zone of the Interior, pp. 673–74; Palmer, Baker, 2:18–19.

41 Memo, WPD for CofS, undated, sub: 15th Cavalry Division, and Draft Telg, WPD to CG, AEF, 10 May 18, WCD file 6815–64, RG 165, NARA; Zone of the Interior, p. 671–74; Directory of Troops, p. 1270.

42 Zone of the Interior, pp. 52–55; Coffman, The Hilt of the Sword, pp. 85–90; Edward M. Coffman, The War To End All Wars (New York: Oxford University Press, 1966), pp. 177–80;