Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/115

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man, "though I don't know why I should have that name. I have come out of the Land of Conceit, and I, too, am going to the Celestial City."

"Do you think you will get into the city?" asked Christian.

"Well, I don't know," answered Ignorance. "Other good people get in, and I think I can do so."

"Why didn't you come into the highway through the wicket gate?" asked Hopeful.

"The wicket gate is a long way from our country," answered the young man. "And indeed, what is the use of a wicket gate when one can come in by way of a pleasant green lane like this?"

Then the pilgrims walked onward, and Ignorance followed them a long way, calling to them now and then to ask a question.

They went on till they came to a place where another road joined itself to the King's highway. It seemed as straight and as well-built as the highway itself; and they were not sure which was the right road and which was the wrong.

As they stood, uncertain which way to go, a man dark of skin but wearing a snow-white robe came up with them.