Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/123

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they were going to; and as they rested themselves, some of the people of that city came out to see them. For in this land the Shining Ones came often to walk, because it was on the borders of the Celestial Country.

Here the pilgrims had no want of corn and wine; for in this place was an abundance of all the things they had sought in their pilgrimage. And as they walked onward, their joy became greater, day by day. Then, as they drew nearer the city, they began to have a more perfect view of it.

They saw that it was builded of pearls and precious stones, and that the streets were paved with gold. Then, as they beheld somewhat of its natural glory and the sunbeams that enlightened it, Christian could scarcely wait to enter it. His desire was so great that he fell sick; and Hopeful also had a fit of the same disease.

Therefore, they lay for a while in the Land of Beulah, looking wistfully over towards the Celestial Gate, and crying out because of their great desire. But after a time, being better able to hold themselves, they arose and went on. They went on and came yet nearer and nearer, where were orchards and vineyards and beautiful gardens.