Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/138

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Tell them that they have left their house and home,
Are turnèd Pilgrims, seek a world to come;
That they have met with hardships in the way,
That they do meet with troubles, night and day;
Yea, tell them of the next, who have,
Of love of pilgrimage, been stout and brave
Defenders of that way, and how they still
Refuse this world, to do their Father's will.
Go, tell them also of those dainty things,
That pilgrimage unto the Pilgrim brings.
Let them acquainted be, too, how they are
Belovèd of their King, under his care.
What goodly mansions he for them provides,
Though they meet with rough winds and swelling tides;
How brave a calm they will enjoy at last,
Who to their Lord, and by his ways hold fast.
Perhaps with heart and hand they will embrace
Thee, as they did my firstling, and will grace
Thee and thy fellows with such cheer and fare,
As show that they of Pilgrims lovers are.
John Bunyan.