Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/164

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"Nay," said Charity and Prudence, "you must first refresh yourselves with a morsel of meat."

Then they were led to a table where food was offered them in plenty; and they ate and were refreshed. When they had supped, they were taken to their places of rest; and Christiana and Mercy were given the same room in which Christian had slept when he was there before them; and the name of that room was Peace.

Now as they lay composing themselves to sleep, Mercy suddenly cried out, "Hark! Do you hear that sound?"

"Yes," said Christiana; "I do believe it is the sound of music. They are having music for joy that we are here."

"Wonderful!" said Mercy. "Music in the house, music in the heart, music everywhere for joy!"

So they lay quietly and listened, and soon fell asleep.

Now when the morrow was come, the sisters of the house would in no wise consent that the pilgrims should go forward. "Tarry with us for awhile," they said. "The summer is yet long, and there is no haste that you should finish your pilgrimage."

They, therefore, abode in the House Beautiful, not only one day, but two and many more. And every