Q. Who are the vainest sort of people in the world ?
A. A barber, a tailor, a young soldier, and a poor dominie.
Q. rhat is the great cause of the bar- ber's vanity :
A. Because he is admitted to trim Noblemen's chafts, thike their sculls, take Kings by the nose, and hold a razor to their very throats, which no subject else dare presume to do.
Q. What is the great cause of the Tailor's pride ?
A. His making of people's New Cloth- es, of which every person, young and old, is proud. Then who can walk in a vainer shew, than a Tailor carrying home a gentleman’s new clothes ?
Q. What is the cause of a Young Soldier’s pride ?
A. When he lists, he thinks he is free of his mother’s correction, the hard usage of a bad master, has liberty to curse, swear, waore, and do every thing, until he be convinced by four halberts and the drum- mer’s whip, that he has now got both a military and civil law above his head and, perhaps, far worse masters than ever.
Q. What is the cause of the poor Dominie’s pride ?