A. First, they kiss others' mouths and noses, smell all about, and last of all, they are so kind as to kiss other below the tail.
Q. What is the coldest part of a dog ?
A. His nose.
Q. What is the coldest part of woman ?
A. Her back.
Q. What is the reason that these three parts or men, women, and dogs are coldest ?
A. Fabulous Historians say, that there were three little holes in Noah’s Ark; and that the dog stopt his nose in one, and the man put his knee in another, and into the third and biggest hole, the woman bang'd her backside : and these parts being exposed to the cold blast, makes them always cold, ever since.
Q. What remedy does the man take, for warming his cold knees ?
A. He holds them towards the fire ; and when in bed, draws his shirt down o- ver them.