features, nor to set aside public open spaces, nor to take care of the economic and industrial problems involved in the improvement of waterways and water fronts.
The more direct sources of the present city .planning movement have been many. Among the most important which should be mentioned are the following: the influence of the plan of 1871 for New York City, which showed not only highways, but a system of rapid transit railroads free from grade crossings with the streets; the appointment of the Boston Board of Survey's in 1891; the Boston Metropolitan Park Commission in 1892; the World's Fair Exposition at Chicago in 1893; the establishment of the school of landscape architecture of Harvard University in 1900; the work of Daniel H. Burnham, Charles F. McKim, Augustus Saint Gardens, and Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., in the report of the Senate Committee on the District of Columbia, in 1902; the plan of Chicago prepared under the direction of the Com-