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B. Transportation.
1. Railroad map — steam and electric.
2. Water transportation.
3. Measurement of cars, vehicles, vessels, etc.
4. Traffic census (selected points).
C. Public Utilities.
1. Water supply.
2. Disposal of waste.
3. Slaughter houses.
4. Other utilities — lighting, telephone, etc.
D. Food Supply.
1. Wholesale and retail districts or centers.
2. Distribution.
E. Real Estate.
1. Land values (assessed and actual).
2. Building values.
3. Building heights.
4. Building growth.
5. General tendency.
F. Nuisances.
1. Smoke.
2. Noise.
3. Dust.
4. Billboards.
5. Overhead wires.
G. Administration.
1. Diagram showing responsibility of various officials.