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Page:Johnsonian Miscellanies I.djvu/137

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Sept. 5.

In Messrs. Christie & Go's Auction Catalogue of June 5, 1888, Lot 38 is 'a Prayer in Dr. Johnson's autograph, dated Ash- bourne, Sept. 5, 17&4 It was sold for five guineas. The same autograph was sold a few years later by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. for eight guineas. The Bookman, Dec. 1893, p. 75.


Ashbourne, September 18, 1784.

Almighty God, merciful Father, who art the giver of all good enable me to return Thee due thanks for the continuance of my life and for the great mercies of the last year, for relief from the diseases that afflicted me, and all the comforts and alleviations by which they were mitigated ; and O my gracious God make me truly thankful for the call by which thou hast awakened my conscience, and summoned me to Repentance. Let not thy call, O Lord, be forgotten or thy summons neglected, but let the residue of my life, whatever it shall be, be passed in true contrition, and diligent obedience. Let me repent of the sins of my past years and so keep thy laws for the time to come, that when it shall be thy good pleasure to call me to another state, I may find mercy in thy sight. Let thy Holy Spirit support me in the hour of death, and O Lord grant me pardon in the day of Judgement, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen x .



Oct. 31, I784 2 . Against the incursion of evil thoughts.

1 From the original in the posses- those in the Book of Common Prayer? sion of Mr. Alfred Morrison of Font- DR. ADAMS (in a very earnest man- hill House. Published in my edition ner) : " I wish, Sir, you would com- of the Letters, ii. 420. pose some family prayers." JOHN-

2 Croker's Boswell, p. 792. SON. " I will not compose prayers for These entries are perhaps the result you, Sir, because you can do it for

of the following conversation recorded yourself. But I have thought of get- by Boswell in the previous June: ting together all the books of prayers 'On Friday, June II, we talked at which I could, selecting those which breakfast, of forms of prayer. JOHN- should appear to me the best, putting SON. " I know of no good prayers but out some, inserting others, adding


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