industry. That such sources will be discovered is certain.
Were we right in leaving the production and distribution of vodka in the hands of the State? I think so. If vodka were handed over into prvate hands this would, fiirstly, lead to strengthening private capital, secondly, the Government would not have been able to adequately regulate the production and consumption of vodka, and thirdly, this would have made it more difficult for the Government to repeal the production and consumption of vodka in the near future. At present our policy is: to gradually reduce the production of vodka. I think that in the near future we will be able to abolish the vodka monopoly, to reduce the production of spirits to the minimum required for technical purposes, and subsequently to abolish the sale of vodka.
I think that we would not have to do with vodka and many other unpleasant things if the Western European proletarians took power into their hands and gave us the necessary help. But what are we to do? Our Western European brothers do not as yet want to seize power, and we are obliged to do the best we can with our own means. But it is not our fault, it is destiny. As you will admit, our Western European friends are also partly resposible for the vodka monopoly. (Laughter and applause.)
Question 7.—Judicial powers of the GPU, trial without witness, without defenders, secret arrests. Considering that these measures are not approved of by French public opinion, it would be interesting to hear their justification. Is it intended to substitute or abolish them?
Answer.—The GPU or the Cheka is a retributive organ of the Soviet Government. It is more or less similar to the Committee of Public Safety which existed during the Great French Revolution. It punishes primarily spies, plotters, terrorists, bandits, speculators, and forgers. It is something in the nature of a military political tribunal set up for the purpose of protecting the