ticipate in the League of Nations because it is completely opposed to imperialism, and against the oppression of colonial and subjugated countries.
The Soviet Union does not participate in the League of. Nations, secondly, because it does not want to take responsibility for military preparations, for growing armaments, for new military alliances, etc., which are covered and sanctioned by the League of Nations and which cannot but lead to new imperialist wars. The Soviet, Union does not participate in the League of Nations because it is completely against imperialist wars.
Finally, the Soviet Union does not participate in the League of Nations because it does not want to be a component part of that screen of imperialist machinations which the League of Nations represents and which are concealed by the honeyed phrases of its members. The League of Nations is a "rendezvous" for imperialist chiefs, who do their business behind the scenes. What the League of Nations SAYS officially is empty twaddle, intended to deceive the workers: But what the imperialist chiefs DO unofficially behind the scenes is real imperialist business, which is pharisaically concealed by the eloquent orators of the League of Nations. What can there be surprising over the fact that the Soviet Union does not want to become a member and participant of this anti-nation comedy?
Question 2.—Why does the Soviet Union not allow the existence of a Social-Democratic Party?
Answer.—A Social-Democratic Party (i.e., a Menshevik party) is not suffered in the Soviet Union for the same reason that counter-revolutionaries are not allowed here. This, perhaps, may surprise you, but there is nothing extraordinary about it. The conditions of development of our country, the history of its development, are such that the Social-Democrats, who constituted under Tsarism a more or less revolutionary party, have, after the overthrow of Tsarism, under Kerensky, become a Government party, a