PHARAOH. If it be no better than theirs, thou dies with them.
[The PRIESTS and MAGICIANS are petrified with fear: PESBES, delighted.]
IRI. We have consulted the stars. It is declared that no man hath ever dreamed such dreams as thine. Wherefore there is no interpretation of them, and to seek it is blasphemy.
[The PHARAOH leaps upright. Movement of the CROWD]
PHARAOH. Are ye here to mock me? By Sneffu and Set, ye shall all to prison and death.
PRIESTS, MAGICIANS, AND SOOTHSAYERS: [Prostrating themselves.] Mercy, great King!
PHARAOH. What mercy do ye show me? Ye know my soul is in heavy trouble. My little son is sick unto death, and the Queen is belike on her death-bed. Perchance these dreams were sent for my comfort, and ye turn them to folly!
MENTHU. Ours is the right interpretation!
ANSU: [Violently.] Nay, but ours!
IRI. The stars cannot lie!
PHARAOH. Silence! [Dead silence.] Is there in all Egypt no reader of dreams? [To IMHOTEP.] What seekest thou?
[IMHOTEP has suddenly come forward and thrown himself on the steps of the throne.]
IMHOTEP. Live forever, O King! If it be the King's pleasure, I can tell him a thing to his help.
PHARAOH. [Sinking back on the throne.] Speak, then; but mock me not.