Scene 1—The Interior of Jacob's Tent as in the Last Scene of Act I
R. C. there is a seat, formed of cushions, in which Jacob, now 106 years old, is reclining. He gazes straight before him with unseeing eyes. Judah is bent humbly before him, but Jacob takes no notice of him. The other Brothers are in a group, L. front. Judah rises and comes to them.
Judah. Father Jacob!—He will not hear. He will not speak. [Down R.]
Levi. Woe! Woe!
Reuben. The food we brought out of Egypt is all spent.
Asher [Enters] My children, and my children's children clamor for bread.
Reuben. It is the curse of God for the evil we did unto Joseph.
Levi. Now we must go down to Egypt a second time.
Reuben [Bitterly] Ay, we, princes in Israel, on our knees, begging for food!
Gad. Needs must, when hunger drives.
Dan. Not hunger only; we must redeem Simeon.
Zebulun. Simeon, that was hottest for selling Joseph a slave, is now a slave himself
Asher. And we are starving