Serah. Alas! How shall I sing, with a breaking heart?
Asher. Put the heart-break into thy song.
Serah. Give me my harp—I will sing.
Serah. [Sings]—
I sit alone in the wilderness,
My children are perishing around me
Mother, mother, they cry,
We hunger, we are a-thirst.
Cry not to me, O children,
Cry to the Captain of Israel!
As for me, I am drièd up;
My heart-strings are rent asunder,
Even as I rend the strings of my harp!
Jacob. Who singeth? Is it thou, Serah, daughter of Asher?
Serah. Father, it is I! My child is dying!
Jacob. Joseph, my beloved, is dead; and Simeon is a captive in a strange land.
Serah. But we, the living, are an-hungered.
Reuben. All the seed of Israel will surely perish.
Jacob. Go again; buy us a little food.
Judah. The man did solemnly protest unto us, saying, Ye shall not see my face, except your brother, Benjamin, be with you.
Jacob.. Me have ye bereaved of my children; Joseph