Ranofer. What knoweth the child of love or loathing?
Asenath [With her arms around Joseph, her face against his] What knoweth she not?
Ranofer. This she knoweth: 'tis either wed thee, or leave the world and serve Neith.
Joseph [Kissing Asenath] There is a third way.
Serseru. The fear of losing her weareth me to a shadow—
Joseph. Say an eclipse.
Ranofer. Plague thyself no more.—Now, as concerning Pharaoh—
Serseru [Frightened] Lower! Lower!
Ranofer. Who should be stirring so late?
Serseru. The Hebrew—Joseph—is on guard.
Ranofer [Producing a small box] Here is what I promised thee.
Serseru. I dare not. Imhotep, the Chief Butler, hath eyes like a hawk.
Ranofer. Listen. When Pharaoh drinketh, they pour wine first into Imhotep's cup for him to taste. While he is drinking, slip this into the vessel they have poured from. As it toucheth the wine it is melted, and Pharaoh's cup will be filled with death.
Asenath [Hiding her face on Joseph's shoulder] Horrible!
Serseru. How can I do that, unseen?
Ranofer. Stumble against the wine-bearer. Let thy long sleeve pass over the vessel.
Ranofer. Come away.
Serseru. [As they move off] When shall I do this thing?