Page:Journal Of The Indian Archipelago And Eastern Asia Series.i, Vol.4 (IA in.ernet.dli.2015.107697).pdf/612

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Padaka Sri Sultan Ala-oodin Juhan Shal, on Thursday the 4th of Jumadieulawal. In this King's reign on Wednesday the 6th of Shaban 1172,1172 the people of the 22 Mukims with Panglima Pulima Anak Muda Sakti, called Sri Muda Perkasa came down to the Coast at Riak in arms against the King. When they arrived at Kallan Sippeng on Tuesday the 12th of Shaban at about 7 P. M, the King ordered his artillerymen to cover the bend of the river with their guns and fire on the advance of the Jiging army and Puchal Hajee its commander. After the war had lasted 2 months and eight days, finding that they could not withstand the artillery of the enemy and that many of their soldiers had been killed, they sent letters to the 20 Jermukims on Tuesday the 1st of Dulkaideh beseeching their assistance. In the meantime the King died after a reign of 25 years, 1 months and 10 days, on Friday the 17 of Mohurrum 1174.1174 As soon as the King's death became known the people of the 22 Mukims came down to the Mosque Bait-al-Khaman, and without consulting with the rest of the nation prepared to put to death Tuanku Rajah the late King's son, but were diverted from this by the viziers in the Fort Dar-al-Dunia opening their fire on the Mosque. After this display of energy a general assembly was held of all the viziers in the Fort Dar-al-Dunia, the 26 Mukeems, the 22 Mukims, Imam Samarang the son of Imam Muda Abahah, Imam Gandrung, the 25 Mukims, the 9 Mukims, Perbawangsa, Panglima Pumuda Bentang &c. the result of which meeting was that Tuanku Rajah was proclaimed King under the title of (Note 14)

Paduka Sri Sultan Mahomood Shah, on Saturday the 6th of Jemadieulawal, after an interregnum of 3 months, 18 days.1174 At this time the Maha Rajah Sri Indra Puchal Agam was put to death, a war broke out in consequence with Panglima Pulim in the course of which the trading ships received much damage from the shot of the opposing armies. Letters were sent requesting aid from the 22 mukeems, they at once in conjunction with Maharajah Bahar of Labu came to the King's assistance and at day break on Thursday the 6th Ramzaan 1176,1176 a pitched battle was fought at Lam Chelling the abode of Paduka Mahamantri the Rajah Bundar of Anak Kachurunan, in which Panglima Pulim's army was beaten. After the King had reigned 3 years, 5 months, 21 days he was by the permission of God deposed by Maharajah Lebri, on Tuesday the 27th Shawal 1177,1177 who forced his way into the Fort Dar-al-Dunia at 3 A. M., on which the King retired to the Kampong Jawee, and from thenes went in a boat down the river till he got on board one of his own ships. On the King's flight there was an interregnum which lasted 28 days when Maharajah Lebri was advanced to the throne on the 25th of Shaban 1177,1177 under the name of Bedi Udin Juhan Shah. After reigning 2 years and 7 months this King was put to death by the people of the 26 mukims on Sunday the 27th