Page:Journal Of The Indian Archipelago And Eastern Asia Series.i, Vol.4 (IA in.ernet.dli.2015.107697).pdf/614

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On the 12th of Dulhaja, in the year 1230,1230 at about 10 A. M. all the people of the 3 Provinces of Acheen assembled and received Sherif Abdullah Ben Saidna, Hussain Ben Saidna, Abdulrhaman Aidid, as King of Acheen, giving him the title of

Paduka Sri Sultan Sherif Saif Alaalam Shah.

[Note 1] 1511. The Portuguese first arrived in Acheen this year. They inform us that Acheen was a dependency of Pedier and that Rajah Ibrahim, probably the King styled Sultan Sallih Oodin, was merely a governor appointed by the King of Pedier —that in 1521 this governor revolted and formed Acheen into an independent kingdom, consequently the previous Kings may be considered as fabulous. The fact of the first 7 of them having reigned for 300 years, would be sufficient of itself to throw doubts on the truth of the annals, even had we not this testimony of the early Portuguese writers.

From this time Acheen began to increase in importance, and the trade which had hitherto been carried on at Pedier and Passé soon ceutred in åcheen. The Portuguese having formed a Settlement at Malacca became rivals, attacks were made on their power by the Kings of Acheen almost yearly till the year 1641, when the Dutch sent a powerful force and not only drove the Portuguese out of Malacca, but destroyed their influence in the Western Archipelago. As a full account of the extraordinary exertions made by the Achinese against Malacca is to be found in Marsden's History of Sumatra, it will not be necessary to detail them here.

[Note 2] According to native writers of a later date, Sultan Pereaman was a man of weak character, very passionate and quite unacquainted with the business of government.

[Note 3—from native M. S.] Rajah Jeinal called Zeen-ul-abdin was a man of an exceedingly violent character, he was cruel and blood-thirsty to excess, it is said of him that he lost his appetite if he did not put some one to death daily.

[Note 4 from native M. S.] Ala-oodin Pers, son of Sultan Mahomed, called Sultan Manshar Shah. This is a favourite King of native writers, he is said to have been virtuous, and to have lived in the observance of the Holy laws, he wore a dress and beard like the Arab priests, fasted and prayed like them, and was very charitable to the poor, he was killed by wicked people who were shamed by his virtues.

[Note 5 from native M. S.] Ala-oodin Rayait Shah a virtuous King. On being deposed by his son his life was spared in recompence for his good actions when King, he lived 1 year in retirement and on his death was canonized.

[Note 6] 1600. The Dutch first arrived at Acheen but were not well received probably owing to the ill offices of the Portuguese.

1601. Two Achinese were sent this year on an Embassy to Holland. One died there and the other returned, but it does not appear that the position of the Dutch was much improved by the Embassy.

1602. Captain, afterwards Sir James Lancaster arrived bearing a letter and presents from Queen Elizabeth, to the King of Acheen. He had an imposing equipment and was well received, a treaty of peace and commerce was made, which was soon broken.

[Note 7] 1609. A long continued drought in this year caused a famine, and an epidemic disease arose which carried off great numbers of the inhabitants.

[Note 8] Sultan Iskundar Mada. This was the greatest of all the achinese Kings, with the exception probably of Rajah Ibrahim who formed the kingdom. He has a great warrior, he took Delli, Siak, Johore, Pahang and Keddah where he confirmed the Mahomedan faith, breaking down the houses and driving out of the country all those who would not become Mahomedans. He styled himself King of Acheen, of Ara, of Delli, of Johore, of Pahang, of Keddab, of Pera, of Baroos, of Passawan, of Ticoo, of Sileda and of Priaman. He built in 1614 the Mosque Bait-al-Khaman at Acheen. Captain Best arrived with a letter and presents (among the rest 2 brass mortars) from King James 1st. Captain Best made a new treaty and for the 1st time the English were permitted to built a factory of lasting materials.

1621. Louis XIII sent Commodore Beaulien with letters and presents this year to Acheen.

1635. The King died after a reign of 30 years leaving an enormous treasure notwithstanding his numerous warlike undertakings. He forced the peasants to