Page:Journal and proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales (IA Journalproceedi421908roya).djvu/114

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I climb the hill: from end to end
Of all the landscape underneath,
I find no place that does not breathe
Some gracious memory of my friend;

Nor runlet trickling from the rock;
Nor pastoral rivulet that swerves
To left and right thro' meadowy curves,
That feed the mothers of the flock;

But each has pleased a kindred eye,
And each reflects a kindlier day;
And, leaving these, to pass away,
I think once more he seems to die."

Smith, James Edward (1759-1828). Born at Norwich, 2nd December, 1759; died at Norwich, 17th March, 1828; buried Lowestoft. M.D. Leyden, 1786; F.R.S., 1785. Founded Linn. Soc, 1788. P.L.S., 1788 - 1828. Purchased Linnaeus' Collections, 1784. Knighted 1814. "English Bot.' 1790-1814. "Flora Brit.' 1794-1804. Herbarium at Linn. Soc. Pritz. 299; Jacks. 607; "Memoir and Correspondence," by Lady Smith, with portrait by H. B. Love, engr. W. Say, after bust by Chantrey; R.S.C. v, 725; Nich. Illustr. vi, 830, with portrait; Nich. Anecd. viii; Cott. Gard. v, 185: Mag. Nat. Hist, i (1829), 90; Gent. Mag. 1828, i, 297; Allibone, Bust by Chantrey at Linn. Soc. Portrait in Thornton. Copy at Kew. Engr. by R. Pastorini. Smithia Aiton. The above from (1). He described a large number of Australian plants, beginning with "A specimen of the botany of New Holland" (1794). Of his papers on Australian plants in Trans. Linn, Soc, I may refer to "Account of two new genera of plants from New South Wales " (Goodenia and Platylobium), ii, 346. "Botanical Characters of some plants of the natural order Myrtaceæ," iii, 255. "The characters of twenty new genera of plants" iv, 213. "Description of Sowerbæa juncea," v, 159. M Botanical characters of four New Holland plants of the natural order of Myrti," vi, 299. "Characters of three