To Houghton, Mifflin & Co. for manufacturing and mailing Journal (Nos. 36–38) | $1,164.45 |
To Houghton, Mifflin & Co. for manufacturing of memoirs | 1,304.05 |
To the Permanent Secretary for clerk hire | 300.00 |
To the Permanent Secretary for postage, stationery, and printing of circular | 81.55 |
To the Treasurer for printing cards, etc. | 19.25 |
Expenses connected with the Eighth Annual Meeting | 43.03 |
Paid to J. Teit for manuscript | 50.00 |
Repayment for vol. iv. of Memoirs, not delivered | 3.00 |
$2,965.33 | |
Balance to new account, December 28, 1897 | 1,268.35 |
$4,233.68 |
(It will be observed that the diminution of the balance in the treasury, as compared with that available at the corresponding period of the previous year, is due to the publication of a volume of the Memoirs more elaborately illustrated, and involving larger outlay than usual in the series; but it is expected that the expenditure will gradually be made up by the sales of a volume which will be of continuing value.)
On Wednesday, December 29, the Society proceeded to the election of officers. The Permanent Secretary reporting that he had received no nominations for officers, according to the privilege of making written nominations accorded by the rules to each member, the nominations of the Council were announced:—
President, Dr. Henry Wood, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
First Vice-President, Prof. Charles L. Edwards, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, O.
Second Vice-President, Miss Alice C. Fletcher, Fellow of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Washington, D. C.
Councittors (for three years), Dr. Daniel G. Brinton, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.; Prof. Otis T. Mason, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.; Miss Alice Mabel Bacon, Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va.
The Permanent Secretary and Treasurer hold over.
The Permanent Secretary was instructed to cast a ballot for the officers as nominated.
Announcement was made of the Publication Committee for 1898 (appointed by the Council): Dr. Franz Boas, Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y.; Dr. D. G. Brinton, Philadelphia, Pa.;