own image. He went to the brook and shook his head to see if the image shook its head, too. When he discovered that it did shake its head, he was sure that he had run away from himself. Then he set out to find the man who had played him the trick. After a while he came to the five panthers. They were fast asleep. He pulled their ears long and tied their hair up. He said: "Henceforth you shall be panthers and not men." When they awoke they were all so frightened at seeing their own images that they ran up the mountains into the woods.
He travelled on and met a boy, who appeared to be three years old, sleeping quietly, his hand covering his face. As'ai′yahaL thought, "I will kill that boy." He intended to lift his hand in order to strike him, but was unable to lift it. Then he wanted to strike him with a stick, but was unable to lift his arm. He tried to throw a stone, but was unable to lift it; neither could he lift a club with which he wanted to break the boy's head. The latter slept on quietly. When As'ai′yahaL was tired out by his attempts to kill the boy, the latter turned round and suddenly became a very strong man, who said, "Who is doing this? I will kill him. Tell me my name instantly or I will kill you." As'ai′yahaL said quickly, "Your name is Arrow." "No," said the boy. As'ai′yahaL said, "Your name is Four Arrows." "No," said the boy, "that is my brother's name." As'ai′yahaL cried, "Your name is Taxä′ha." "Yes," said the boy, "that is my name," and he took As'ai′yahaL to his house and made him his slave. He prided himself at having As'ai′yahaL for a slave. He kept him for some time and finally set him free.
As'ai′yahaL travelled on and came to another place, where he found three old women. He had been warned not to go near this place, as the women were said to be cannibals. He, however, desired to visit them, and going there he carried a large stone along, so heavy that he was hardly able to lift it. When he met the women he threw the stone right among them, and one of them jumped at it and tried to devour it. It was too large and it stuck in her mouth. Then he walked down to the women, transformed them into rocks, and said, ‘Henceforth you shall not be cannibals, but stones, and remain here as long as the world lasts. Children shall play here, and you shall not be able to do them harm, People shall camp here when they travel up and down the river, and you shall protect them." They were transformed into rocks with large' caves in which travellers camp.
He travelled on and came to a house in which he saw people lying around the fire. He asked them, ‘"What is the matter? Are you sick?" "No," they replied; "we are starving. The East Wind wants to kill us. The river, sea, and beach are frozen over, and we